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This function returns a predefined list of variable names that are typically produced by the summary function in data analysis workflows.




A tibble with two columns:

  • Vars: The name of the variable (e.g., "fbs").

  • Description: A detailed description of the variable.


#> # A tibble: 11 × 2
#>    Vars             Description                                       
#>    <chr>            <chr>                                             
#>  1 fbs              Cancer Incidence Cases                            
#>  2 inci             Cancer Incidence Rate(1 per 100000)               
#>  3 sws              Cancer Mortality Cases                            
#>  4 mort             Cancer Mortality Rate(1 per 100000)               
#>  5 mi               Mortality to Incidence Ratio(M:I)                 
#>  6 rks              Population Size Corresponding to the cancer cases 
#>  7 rks_year         Years Corresponding to the Population             
#>  8 inci_vars        Variables in the FB Sheets                        
#>  9 miss_r_vars_inci Missed variables of necessary variable of FB sheet
#> 10 mort_vars        Variables in the SW Sheets                        
#> 11 miss_r_vars_mort Missed variables of necessary variable of SW sheet