Draw bar chart.
Draw bar chart.
cates = NULL,
axis = NULL,
groups = length(values),
bar_side = 1,
bar_way = 1,
gap = ifelse(side_label == 1, 0.6, 0.1),
csize = 0.8,
space = 0.9,
adj = -0.01,
gl = TRUE,
label = c("Male", "Female"),
cols = c("#006400", "#b32134"),
side_label = 1,
legend = FALSE,
legend_label = NULL,
dens = c(-1, -1),
overlay = FALSE,
- values
List of values to be draw.
- cates
Categories for the groups.
- axis
Axis values.
- groups
Groups of the bar chart, default is length of the values list.
- bar_side
Orientation of the bar chart: 1 for left and 2 for right.
- bar_way
Draw the bar chart unidirectionally or bidirectionally, 1 for unidirectionally and 2 for bidirectionally.
- gap
The width of center gap. Default is 0.1.
- csize
The font size to write the labels on sides. Default is 1.
- space
Space between bars.
- adj
The vertical adjustment factor for the labels of age classes. Default is -0.01.
- gl
Logical value to draw the vertical dotted lines. Default is TRUE.
- label
Labels for the two sides.
- cols
The colors of the bars.
- side_label
Draw the side label on the left or right. 1 for left and 2 for right.
- legend
Logical value indicates plot legend or not.
- legend_label
Character for the legend label.
- dens
The density of hatching lines (/inch).
- overlay
Logical value, TRUE for overlay plot, FALSE for not.
- ...
Other options.