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This function generates a data frame or a list of data frames containing the quality indicators for population-based cancer registries (PBCRs). These indicators include various metrics such as:

  • fbs: Number of incident cases.

  • fbl: Incidence rate.

  • sws: Number of death cases.

  • swl: Mortality rate.

  • mv: Percentage of cases with microscopic verification.

  • mi: Mortality-to-incidence ratio.

  • And other relevant quality metrics for cancer data evaluation.


create_quality(x, ..., decimal = 2)

# S3 method for class 'canreg'
create_quality(x, ..., cancer_type = "big")

# S3 method for class 'canregs'
create_quality(x, ..., cancer_type = "big")

# S3 method for class 'fbswicds'
create_quality(x, ..., decimal = 2)

# S3 method for class 'fbswicd'
create_quality(x, ..., decimal = 2)



The input data, object with class of 'fbswicd', 'fbswicds', 'canreg', or 'canregs'.


One or more variables used for stratification. For example, you can stratify by sex, year, cancer, or just by year. If sex is not passed as a parameter, the output will be the result for the combined gender.


The number of decimal places to include in the resulting quality indicator values. Defaults to 2.


A character string specifying the classification method used to categorize ICD-10 codes. This determines how ICD-10 codes are classified. Options include "big" (classify ICD-10 codes into 26 cancer categories), "small" (classify ICD-10 codes into 59 cancer categories, more specific categories), "system" (classify ICD-10 codes into organ system), and "gco" (classify ICD-10 code into cancer categories same as classification published by the Global Cancer Observatory). This parameter is only available when the input data is a vector of ICD-10 codes, or object with class of 'canreg' or 'canregs'.


The function returns a data frame (if applied to a single registry object, 'canreg' or 'fbswicd') or a list of data frames (if applied to a grouped registry object, 'canregs' or 'fbswicds') with a class of either 'quality' or 'qualities'. Each output data frame contains the computed quality indicators for the registry or subgroup.


data <- load_canreg()
qua <- create_quality(data, year, sex, cancer, cancer_type = "big")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 14
#>    year   sex cancer    rks   fbs    fbl   sws    swl    mi    mv   dco    ub
#>   <int> <int>  <int>  <int> <int>  <dbl> <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1  2016     1     60 455653  1183 260.     920 202.    0.78  65.8  2.62  0.68
#> 2  2016     1     61 455653  1175 258.     917 201.    0.78  65.5  2.64  0.68
#> 3  2016     1    101 455653    13   2.85    10   2.19  0.77 100    0     0   
#> 4  2016     1    102 455653     7   1.54     7   1.54  1    100    0     0   
#> 5  2016     1    103 455653   157  34.5    127  27.9   0.81  86.0  2.55  0   
#> 6  2016     1    104 455653   135  29.6    107  23.5   0.79  91.1  2.22  0   
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: sub <dbl>, m8000 <dbl>
fbsw <- count_canreg(data, cancer_type = "system")
qua2 <- create_quality(fbsw, year, sex, cancer)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 14
#>    year   sex cancer    rks   fbs    fbl   sws    swl    mi    mv   dco    ub
#>   <int> <int>  <int>  <int> <int>  <dbl> <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1  2016     1     60 455653  1155 253.     897 197.    0.78  66.4  2.68  0.69
#> 2  2016     1     61 455653  1147 252.     894 196.    0.78  66.2  2.7   0.7 
#> 3  2016     1    201 455653    20   4.39    17   3.73  0.85 100    0     0   
#> 4  2016     1    202 455653   591 130.     475 104.    0.8   67.7  2.88  0.17
#> 5  2016     1    203 455653   336  73.7    284  62.3   0.85  54.8  2.38  0   
#> 6  2016     1    204 455653    21   4.61    12   2.63  0.57  81.0  4.76  0   
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: sub <dbl>, m8000 <dbl>